6 years ago
Bicycle Master Plans will be the topic of a one-hour webinar scheduled for June 17th, noon to 1 p.m. A growing number of cities across the U.S. are creating Bicycle Master Plans, or BMPs. These are plans for developing bicycle infrastructure in a city, with emphasis on promoting bicycling as a viable transportation option and fostering a safe environment for bicycling.Once upon a time, the Emerald City was more "bikey" than Portland—some say it still is. A BMP would bolster that argument, and possibly help the city acquire government funding for active transportation.
Join presenter Peter Lagerwey, who will lead webinar participants step-by-step through the process of creating a successful bicycle master plan. Peter has served for 25 years in the City of Seattle's bicycle and pedestrian program. He managed the development of Seattle's Bicycle Master Plan, oversaw construction of more than 150 miles of bikeways throughout the City, and published numerous reports, studies, design manuals, and professional articles. In September, Lagerwey will open a Seattle office for the Toole Design Group. Webinar participants will be given a copy of a guide, "Creating a Road Map for Producing and Implementing A Bicycle Master Plan," authored by Lagerwey and being published by the NCBW's Active Living Resource Center.
The Bicycle Master Plans webinar is part of the Professional Development webinar series , co-hosted by the National Center for Bicycling & Walking (NCBW), the Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals (APBP), and Cullbridge Communications.